Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

InDesign Project

This is the first of three projects for this class, one in each of the three applications we're learning. In it, you will be designing a promotional brochure and preparing it for printing on a commercial press.
Here is a link to download the project folder. Inside are instructions for the project.

InDesign Project Folder Download

The videos below will demonstrate how to complete this project. You will be making your own design and typographic choices in completing this project. The only restrictions are that you must adhere to some basic rules of good design, which are explained in the videos, and you must submit an error-free publication package, with images properly prepared for print, so that if it were to go to press the result would be a clean, reader-friendly publication ready for distribution.

Total time for the videos is about an hour. This project will require substantially more time to complete than the exercises. You should give yourself a minimum of four hours to finish it, and probably more if you want to create something you’ll be proud of.

NOTE: In the videos, the subject matter of the brochure is different than your assignment, but the procedure will be the same.

Video 1: Document setup, Parent Pages.
NOTE: Parent Pages used to be called Master Pages. Adobe recently changed the term. In the videos they are still referred to as Master Pages, but they’re the same thing.

Video 2: Story layout, typographic styles

Video 3: Examples

Video 4: Aligning columns, text wrap

Video 5: Useful tips: Installing fonts; background colors and images; effects.

Video 6: Preparing photos for print, and publication package.

Extra Information

More examples: Here are a couple of projects done by former students. Length: 1:29.

Details: Things to pay attention to for the best results. Length: 2:12.

Text Styles: How to set up paragraph and character styles to work more efficiently. Length: 3:43.

Full Bleeds: Full bleeds are needed when any element or image goes to the edge of the page. Length: 5:05.

PDF default view: After you have generated your publication package, you can set the default view of the PDF to show the cover page and the inside spreads. Length: 1:04.

Other Resources

You might want to review the Typography videos:
Typography page

Some more information sheets that can help you with this project:
InDesign project guide
Creating and using Paragraph Styles
Preparing photos for press: guide
Preparing photos for press: quick guide
InDesign Publication Package

© Philip Loubere

The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.