Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

Color Theory

Effective use of color will be relevant to all of the projects in this course. It is also one of the conceptual topics we will cover, and will be one of the main topics covered in the conceptual portions of the midterm and final exams.

So this page will cover color theory, both conceptually and practically.

These videos will provide an overview of color theory, models, terminology and practical applications. Total time is about 20 minutes.


Hopefully what you got out of the videos are these key points:
• The physics of how we perceive different colors
• How the subtractive and additive color models work and their relationship to each other
• How the two models are used for print and digital production
• Two principal ways that variations of a color can be made
• Some common color combinations used in visual design.

Color Theory: Additional material

Information PDFs:
• Color Terms
• Color Technology
• Color Chart

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The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.