Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

Photoshop Exercise 1

This exercise will cover some of the basic tasks most often done in Photoshop: Cropping and resizing, color adjusting, fixing defects, and creating documents for print production and for digital displays.
Here is a link to download the exercise folder:

Photoshop Exercise 1 download folder

You can also download the short Photoshop PDF manual:

Make sure that you have the software installed and functioning, and launch Photoshop. You may want to go back and review the Interfaces video on the class home page. The Photoshop portion starts at about the 9:05 mark.
Then watch the videos below and follow along using the download material.

The first three videos cover the basics in Photoshop and use the sunset_workfile photo to practice the tasks that will be done in the exercises, so you might want to open it and follow along. The sunset photo is for practice only, and is not part of the exercises to be turned in. NOTE: The Sunset work file is in the download folder.

The last four videos show specifically how to do the exercise parts that will be turned in. Total time for all the videos is about 65 minutes, so you should give yourself at least two hours to complete this exercise.
Note: The videos sometimes refer to two exercises. Those have been combined into one exercise, with four parts, which is what is in the download folder.

Photoshop Introduction:The key points here are the differences between vector and bitmap images, and the importance of size and resolution in bitmap images. NOTE: The Sunset work file is in the download folder.

Photoshop Part 1: Basic functions such as cropping, rotating, color adjustments, selecting groups of pixels, and using the Clone Stamp tool.

Photoshop Part 2: Preparing versions of each image for print and for digital use.

Exercise 1: In the download folder are four folders, each with a photo and instructions for what to do with it. These videos will demonstrate step by step how to do each part.

You should have created three versions of each of the four photos, for a total of twelve documents. Put them in a single folder, name the folder with your last name first (Yourname.PSex1-2), compress the folder, and place it in the assignment dropbox in D2L.

© Philip Loubere

The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.