Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

InDesign Exercise

InDesign: Overview and Exercise 1

The first application we’re going to learn is InDesign.

Make sure that you have the Adobe software properly installed and that you can launch InDesign. Then download the exercise folder:
- InDesign exercise 1

Expand the compressed file. The folder contains a text document and some photos that we’re going to use for the InDesign exercise. You should save your work in this folder.

You can also download this PDF, which is a short manual on InDesign, and covers all the tasks that we’re going to be doing:
- ID Manual

Then watch the four videos below, which will demonstrate how to use the application and how to complete the exercise. I would suggest launching InDesign and following along, pausing the video when necessary.

Total time for the videos is about 54 minutes, so you should give yourself a minimum of two hours to complete this exercise.

This video will demonstrate step-by-step how to do exercise 1.

Name the publication package folder that you generated with your last name first: 'Yourname.id-exercise', zip compress it and drop it into the D2L dropbox.

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© Philip Loubere

The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.