Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

Extra Credit Projects

Below are listed a number of optional extra credit assignments in the three applications this class covered. Maximum possible points that can be earned for each is listed with each.

Extra credit projects can be turned in at any time during the semester. You can submit as many as you want. Points will be given depending on quality, professionalism and originality. Attention to detail will count.

There is a dropbox in D2L in which to submit extra credit work. If submitting multiple documents such as a publication package, make sure all necessary documents are in a folder before compressing and submitting it.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to name your folders and documents with your last name and first initial (some people in the class share the same last name): 'SmithP-xtra'. If a folder, it needs to be zip compressed before submitting. If a single document such as an Illustrator document, it doesn't need to be compressed, but make sure to name it with your name.


Illustrator projects, if they don’t have any placed images, should be turned in as native Illustrator documents (.ai) If you used a template to trace from, that does not have to be included. However, if there are placed Photoshop images that are part of the project, they should be included with the Illustrator document in a folder.
Generally by default Illustrator documents should be in CMYK color space, unless expressly intended for digital platform use.
Photoshop projects should be submitted according to the project instructions, and generally should include a work file, a print version and a web version in sizes and resolutions specified in the instructions.

1. Pickup Truck: Up to 30 points.
Download the project folder below. Using the included template and following the instructions in the PDF, draw the truck in Illustrator.
Submit an Illustrator document named with your last name first: 'Yourname-AIxtra.ai'. You don't need to include the template.

Download: XTRA.pickup_truck.zip

2. Birds: Up to 50 points.
Using one of the images below as a template, draw a bird in Illustrator. It doesn’t have to be an exact copy, but make the image interesting and well-designed.
Submit an Illustrator document named with your last name first: 'Yourname-AIxtra.ai'. You don't need to include the template.
Click on the image to download it.

3. Lizard: Up to 50 points.
Trace the template in Illustrator, and fill your paths with colors of your choice. Use either the Pathfinder or Mask options to make the job easier: Instructions on how to do this are in the download folder.
Submit an Illustrator document named with your last name first: 'Yourname-AIxtra.ai'. You don't need to include the template.

Download: XTRA.lizard_template.zip


InDesign projects should be submitted as publication packages that include the InDesign document, an IDML version, a PDF version, a folder containing all links and another folder containing fonts. The folder should be named with your last name first: 'Yourname-Xtra'. The folder should then be zip compressed and placed in the extra credit dropbox in D2L.
NOTE: D2L has a file size limit of about 70 MB. If your folder is larger than that, email me and I'll arrange another method for submission of your project.
Here are some additional guidelines: Project_guidelines.2950.pdf

1. Single-sheet brochure: Up to 50 points.
Design a two-page, 4-color handout intended to be printed on a single sheet of paper, front-and-back, using the folder contents. Further instructions are in the download folder.

Download: XTRA-brochure.zip

2. Features magazine spread: Up to 50 points.
Design a features 2-page spread for a magazine using the content provided. See instructions in the folder.

Download: XTRA-magazine_spread.zip

3. Features newspage: Up to 75 points.
Design a features page for this newspaper using the content provided. See instructions in the folder.

Download: XTRA-features_page.zip

4. Travel brochure: Up to 90 points.
Create a brochure for an interesting island destination. See instructions and examples in the folder.

Download: XTRA-travel_brochure.zip

5. Business prospectus: Up to 90 points.
See instructions and example in the folder.

Download: XTRA-prospectus.zip

AI, PS and/or ID

These projects can be done in any of the applications we studied or a combination of them. For submission, follow the guidelines above depending on the document type.

1. Letter head and business card: Up to 50 points.
Design stationery for yourself or a business. Further instructions are in the folder.
This can be done in either Illustrator and/or InDesign, not Photoshop.

Download: XTRA-biz-card-letterhead.zip

2. Sports Poster: Up to 75 points.
Create a poster to advertise a sporting event such as the Superbowl. Find your own visual references. Submit a package or document based on the application used.

3. VW Beetle Ad: Up to 75 points.
Using the VW Beetle template, create an image that could be used in a business advertisement. You don’t have to reproduce the VW precisely, just use it as a guide for an image appropriate to the ad. Then create a fictional advertisement, such as a VW dealership or repair shop, using your image.

Download: XTRA.vwbeetle.template.jpg

© Philip Loubere

The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.