Middle Tennessee State University
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Media Design

VCOM 2950 Visual Communication Applications

Instructor: Phil Loubere

Illustrator Exercise 2

This exercise will demonstrate how to combine several shapes together to create an illustration. There are two parts to the exercise, and you will create two separate Illustrator documents. Instructions are in the download folder.

These three videos will show you how to do the two parts of the exercise. Total time for the videos is about 17 minutes.
There are also PDFs in the download folder showing how to do each of the two parts step by step.
Here is a link to download the exercise folder:

Illustrator Exercise 2 folder

The Illustrator short manual also describes how to do the various tasks required in this exercise, including pasting in front and in back, and how to create gradients.
- AI Manual

When you have completed both parts, put the two Illustrator documents in a folder, name the folder with your last name first (Yourname.ai-ex2), compress the folder and put it in the dropbox in D2L. You don’t need to include the templates, or create a publication package as we did in InDesign, just submit the two Illustrator documents.

© Philip Loubere

The contents of this site, including text, images and videos, is protected intellectual property belonging to Philip A. Loubere (unless specified otherwise), and may not be used or reproduced without his permission.